Now that we can easily provide DHCP, DNS and TFTP and a debian image for all the nodes, we want to make it easy to maintain the cluster and setup user management. For maintaining packages and configuration etc we use Puppet on Debian. So awesome!
NOTE: remember to add "puppet" and "puppetmaster" in /etc/hosts on the server, so dnsmasq can provide DNS! Otherwise puppet agent will not know where to connect.
See the configuration of puppet here
Where NIS is setup as
NOTE: remember to add "puppet" and "puppetmaster" in /etc/hosts on the server, so dnsmasq can provide DNS! Otherwise puppet agent will not know where to connect.
Setup Puppet on the master
Install the puppetmaster on the master nodeapt-get install puppetmaster
A nice addition to the puppet service is the stdlib.puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib
regular expression and autosign.conf for fast deploymentSee the configuration of puppet here
Where NIS is setup as
## User Authentication
# set NIS domain
file {"/etc/defaultdomain": source => "puppet:///modules/nodes/defaultdomain"} ->
# set yp server
file {"/etc/yp.conf": source => "puppet:///modules/nodes/yp.conf"} ->
# install NIS
package {"nis": ensure => installed} ->
# update passwd, shadow and gshadow
file_line {'update passwd': path => '/etc/passwd', line => '+::::::'} ->
file_line {'update shadow': path => '/etc/shadow', line => '+::::::::'} ->
file_line {'update group': path => '/etc/group', line => '+:::'} ->
file_line {'update gshadow': path => '/etc/gshadow', line => '+:::'}
Where NFS is setup as## Network File System
package {"nfs-common": ensure => installed}
file_line {'nfs home':
path => '/etc/fstab',
line => ' /home nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0',
require => Package["nfs-common"],
notify => Exec['nfs mount'],
file_line {'nfs opt':
path => '/etc/fstab',
line => ' /opt nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0',
require => Package["nfs-common"],
notify => Exec['nfs mount'],
exec {'nfs mount':
command => '/bin/mount -a',
path => '/usr/local/bin',
refreshonly => true,
You can either set autosign.conf in the puppet folder to just sign everything, and sign the nodes as the connect viapuppet cert sign --all
Setup of the node
Puppet is installed via det preseed configuration by addingd-i pkgsel/include string openssh-server puppet facter
Puppet needs to connect and get a certificate signed by the server. This is either done by autosign or by manually signing the nodespuppet agent --test --waitforcert 60
Puppet is then either run by manually or by adding puppet to the /etc/rc.local to be run on every boot./etc/rc.local
echo -n "Waiting for network."
while ! ip addr show | grep -F "inet 192.168.10" >> /dev/null
sleep 1
echo -n "."
# Run puppet for node
echo "Running puppet..."
echo "boot $(date)" >> /root/puppet-node.log
puppet agent -t | while read line; do
echo $line
echo $line >> /root/puppet-node.log
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